Sunday, August 25, 2013

Ready Or Not Here They Come!

Tomorrow is our first day of school.  I am worried I have forgotten something because I have NEVER been ready (home and school stuff) this early the night before school starts.  I have been busy on Pinterest and Teachers Pay Teachers to get my school ready.  My coworkers and I were wondering how we ever taught before they were created.  Here are a few pics of my room.  I'm praying we have an awesome school year and I show Jesus to my students and their parents.  
Students will have their name on a clothespin.  Each day the clothespins begin on green.  As their behavior improves their clothespin goes up. Their clothespin goes down, as their behavior goes down.
We will use this to identify how each student will get home.  I have done something similar for years and LOVE it because I know before my planning time how all of my students are getting home. This eliminated waiting until dismissal time to realize there was a problem.
I'm using these as a visual for the students to know what materials they will need for the next activity.
This board will become an extension to a lesson on what to do when you get mad/sad.
I had to throw a little Duck Dynasty in the decorations.  Uncle Si will be welcoming the students back tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Hopkins' Hoppin' Happenings: Tony Chestnut CD Review and Giveaway!

Hopkins' Hoppin' Happenings: Tony Chestnut CD Review and Giveaway!: Today, I am thrilled to get the chance to review Tony Chesnut & Fun Time Action Songs by The Learning Station!  All opinions are strictly my...

I am looking forward to the friendship song.  My first graders could benefit hearing a song about friends.  The movement songs will be great for getting the wiggles out.

Monday, November 21, 2011

How to Cook the Thanksgiving Meal

For the past eight years, my students wrote how they would cook the Thanksgiving turkey. This year I asked my students what they like to eat for Thanksgiving. Using a graphic organizer students, were able to write how they think you cook the food that they enjoy eating. We made a Voice Thread for all the recipes that were written. You can listen to each student tell how they would cook their dish. You can also click on the comment section and type or speak a comment to one or all of the voice threads. We hope you enjoy reading how our first graders would cook the Thanksgiving meal.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Why Should I Eat Apples

My first grade students did a Project Based Learning Unit on Johnny Appleseed and Apples.  One of their assignments was to work in pairs, groups, or by themselves to create an advertisement convincing people to eat apples.  We then took their advertisements and used VoiceThread to make commercials.  I hope after watching this you will be convinced to go and get an apple or have a glass of 100% apple juice.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What Every Teacher Wants to Tell Parents

I saw this article on Facebook and 100% agree with it. I only wish we could tell our parents what they really need to hear. Please read it.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Apple Discipline

Our class and school rules for the year.
1. Give Respect.
2. Allow Learning
3. Think of Others
4. Observe Safety.
5. Remember Responsibility
Each child will have a large apple with five small apples. If they follow the rules, they get to keep their small apples. If they keep all their apples all day they will get a chomp ticket at the end of the day. If they keep 20 apples all week they will get a special treat. Students will be rewarded for having a certain number of chomp tickets throughout each six weeks.
The following is what happens if they pull an apple:
1 apple = warning
2 apples = time out/modified recess
3 apples = silent lunch
4 apples = contact parents
5 apples = principal

Crayon Wreath

My coworker and friend Sarah Cates made me this awesome crayon wreath. She used about 2.5 boxes of crayons, a cardboard wreath shape cutout, some hot glue, and ribbon. My students really LOVE it!!! Thanks Mrs. Cates